
This tutorial was developed by Irene Wallis and Katie McLean, industry practitioners with extensive experience in geothermal well logging and testing. It will live-stream to YouTube during the SWUNG Transform 2021 conference and will be available through the SWUNG YouTube channel for viewing later.

This tutorial has been released under the Apache 2.0 license

The tutorial will cover:

  • General introduction to geothermal wells
  • Overview of the completion test process
  • Introduction to temperature log analysis
  • Injectivitly index determination (i.e., well capacity in t/hr.bar)
  • Spinner data analysis (i.e., feedzone identification)

Production tests and pressure transient analysis are not covered.

Python offers us the opportunity to generate a robust and repeatable well test analysis that is easy to audit. This is important given the high-value decisions based on these analyses. We will demo how the Jupyter Notebook environment enables us to store the steps taken to process and interpret data along with key metadata, things that are difficult to do reliability in Excel.

You should attend this tutorial if you are:

  • Interested in geothermal wells and how they are characterised using injection testing and temperature logs
  • A practising geothermal reservoir engineer who is interested in using python for well test analysis

The tutorial uses methods at an intermediate python level but, because all code is provided, a novice python user can follow along.

For more information, check out a book co-authored by Katie with Sadiq Zarrouk that covers the theory and practice of geothermal well test analysis https://www.elsevier.com/books/geothermal-well-test-analysis/zarrouk/978-0-12-814946-1

Here's how you participate in this event:

  1. Follow this link and register for the Transform 2021 unconference https://softwareunderground.org/events/transform-2021.
  2. If you're not already a member, join the Software Underground slack community.
  3. Join the tutorial slack channel #t21-thurs-geothermal because this is where you can ask questions during the tutorial and meet others who are attending.
  4. Decide how you want to interact with the tutorial. You will be able to read along in Curvenote, try out the method yourself without installing anything by using Google Colab or instal Anaconda for the full experience. The Anaconda setup process is included at the bottom of this readme and we will provide instructions for Curvenote and Google Colab prior to the tutorial.
  5. Watch the tutorial live stream to YouTube using the link in the schedule (http://schedule.softwareunderground.org/) or the link in the topic of the tutorial slack channel (look in the bar at the top). The tutorial livestream will be UTC Thursday 22 April 22:00
  6. After the livestream, come meet Irene and Katie, and other tutorial participants, in the Transform 2021 social and hackathon space that's been built using GatherTown (https://gather.town/). A link to this space is included in the topic of the tutorial slack channel (hover over the bar at the top to reveal it).

Setup instructions

As well as the livestream to YouTube, you will be able to interact with the tutorial materials in three ways:

  • Read the notebooks at Curvenote (instructions and link to come)
  • Interact with the notebooks without installing anything using Google Colab (instructions to come)
  • Install Anaconda (if you don't already have it) and run the notebooks locally on your computer by following the instructions below

Anaconda setup

To run this tutorial, you will need an environment that contains all of the required packages. If you are familiar with setting up your own environment, then go ahead with your usual approach. Otherwise, use the following steps.

Download this tutorial from GitHub using the green 'code' button and unzip to somewhere that is easy to find, such as your Documents folder.

Download and instal Anaconda individual edition if you don't already have it. When prompted, accept the default installation settings.

In Windows open the anaconda prompt or in macOS open a terminal. Use the prompt/terminal to navigate to where you have saved this tutorial (hint: use cd <path_to_the_tutoral> to change directory)

In the tutorial folder, you will find an environment.yml file (hint: use ls in MacOS or dir in Windows to list files in your current directory). We will use this file to create an environment that will run the tutorial. Execute the following command in the prompt/terminal to create the environment:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

You will see a lot of text scroll past in the the prompt/terminal and may need to respond y + ENTER at some point. The environment is automatically named geothrm. Once it has built, we need to activate the environment by executing:

$ conda activate geothrm

(geotherm) should now appear on the far left of your current line in the prompt/terminal window. Now you are inside the right environment, you can execute the following command to launch a browser window containing Juypter notebook:

$ jupyter notebook

Now you can open the tutorial notebooks and use them.

When you are finished with Juypter Notebook, you can close the browser window and go back to the prompt/terminal to kill the process with CTRL + C.

When you come back to the tutorial at a later date, you will probably have to activate the geothrm environment again before launching Juypter Notebook.

Other useful commands

Print a list of your conda environments

$ conda env list

Print a list of what is inside your active environment

$ conda list

To install an additional package into the active environment

$ pip install <PackageName>