pyGIMLi is an open-source library for modeling and inversion in geophysics. This tutorial is particularly suited for new users but adds up to last-years tutorial on Transform 2021 with the following subjects:
- Create a subsurface geometry and explore the pyGIMLi meshtools
- Simulate the stationary 2D heat equation
- Simulate synthetic crosshole traveltime measurements
- Invert seismic traveltime and field ERT data
- Show how to build inversions with own forward operators (e.g., from other packages)
This years tutorial will demonstrate some basic pyGIMLi classes (DataContainer
, Mesh
, different kinds of supported matrices) but also some topics that might be of interest for the experienced users:
- geostatistical regularization vs. classical smoothness types
- region-specific behaviour
- different kinds of joint inversion
- incorporation of prior knowledge
- overview of other packages in the pyGIMLi ecosystem (BERT, COMET, custEM)
- induced polarization modelling and spectrally constrained inversion
- RWTH Aachen University, Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy, Aachen, Germany
- Berlin University of Technology, Department of Applied Geophysics, Berlin, Germany
- Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hannover, Germany
Info | |
When | Tuesday, April 26 • 17:00 - 19:00 UTC (starts at 08.00 a.m. CET) |
Slack (Q&A) | Software Underground channel #t22-tue-pygimli |
Live Stream | |
pyGIMLi documentation |
Make sure you've done these things before the tutorial on Monday:
- Sign up for the Software Underground Slack
- Join the channel #t21-mon-pygimli channel. This is where all communication will happen and where we will answer any question about installation and the tutorial
- Install the pyGIMLi conda environment as described below.
Setup instructions¶
To start the tutorial setup, please follow the next steps:
Step 1: Prerequisites¶
There are a few things you'll need to follow the tutorial:
- A working Python installation (Anaconda or Miniconda). For details on how to install Anaconda, we refer to: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/
- A modern web browser that works with JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook (Internet explorer will not work)
- Intermediate experience in Python programming (Python, numpy, matplotlib, jupyter)
- Background on geophysical modeling and inversion
Step 2: Download material for the tutorial¶
- Windows: Download the course material and unzip it a folder of your choice.
- Mac/Linux: You can do the same as above, or alternatively open a terminal, navigate to a folder of your choice, and execute
git clone https://github.com/gimli-org/transform2021
Step 3: Install the tutorial environment¶
- Open a terminal (Linux & Mac) or the Anaconda Powershell Prompt (Windows). Navigate to the folder from step 2 (using the
command) and type:
conda env create
- Activate the environment in the terminal by typing:
conda activate pg-transform2022
- To test if everything works correctly you can do the following:
python -c "import pygimli; pygimli.test(show=False, onlydoctests=True)"
If none of these commands gives an error, then your installation is working fine. If you get any errors, please let us know on Slack at #t21-mon-pygimli.
Step 4: Start JupyterLab¶
- Windows users: Make sure you set a default browser that is not Internet Explorer.
- Activate the conda environment:
conda activate pg-transform
- Start JupyterLab:
jupyter lab
- Jupyter should open in your default web browser. We'll start from here in the tutorial and create a new notebook together.